Pennsylvania Rides and Amusement Search

Every amusement ride or attraction, fixed or traveling, that operates in Pennsylvania must be registered with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and inspected by a qualified inspector before it opens. Follow-up inspections occur at least once every 30 days or each time a ride is set up for operation at a new location. It is common practice for operators to inspect their equipment daily.

Look for the amusement ride registration plate with the current year sticker affixed on each ride to ensure that it is registered with the state. If you do not see it, ask the ride operator to let you look at it. If the operator fails to honor the request, contact the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture

Ride operators are required to have a copy of the most recent inspection report with the ride. Additionally, qualified inspectors are required to send inspection affidavits to the department within 48 hours of the initial inspection and again at regular intervals as noted above.

Inspection affidavits are sent to the department via e-mail, fax, regular mail and the use of department’s online system.

Please note: For traveling amusement rides and attractions, the itineraries will appear in the search results within 72 hours of the scheduled operation.

Questions on ride registrations, ride inspections and search results can be directed to the department’s Bureau of Ride and Measurement Standards, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. through 4 p.m., at 717-787-2291 or anytime by e-mail to

After hours, weekends and holidays please contact Joseph Filoromo at 717-215-4316 or by email at

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